
Australia Post Magento Extension: Improve Customer Satisfaction With Value Added Services

Maulik Shah
May 17,2016

    Fulfilling customers’ high expectations is a vital parameter for customer satisfaction when it comes to the ecommerce industry. In this regard, shipping is a very important component of the customer order fulfillment journey. How fast the products are shipped and how error free the process is, decides, to a large extent, how satisfied the customer is.

    For ecommerce store owners in Australia, Australia Post is a popular shipping partner. A large number of Australian online store owners have shipping methods fulfilled by Australia Post. Keeping this in mind, Biztech came up with a Magento Australia Post Shipping Extension for online store owners of Australia who ship parcels to domestic & international markets. This extension is particularly helpful in keeping pace with the frequently changing Australia Post regulations.

    Store owners can configure Australia Post Shipping Extension in their online store for domestic as well as international parcels and set their own handling charges, flat rate etc. offering improved shopping experience to their customers.

    In our previous blog, we talked about all the features and benefits of Australia Post Shipping Extension. In this post we will talk about two value added services which store owners can avail of along with the extension.

    Value Added Services of Australia Post Shipping Extension

    • Satchel Service : Satchel service is used to show rates of parcel shipped in box packing. If the dimensions of the parcel match the pre-defined weight and dimensions of the box in satchel system, it will generate rates for the parcel automatically. With Biztech’s Satchel integration in Magento Australia Post Extension, admin can show / hide satchel rates as per their need. The extension will fetch best matching box for parcel and display the rates accordingly.
    • eParcel Matrix Rates Shipping Method : eParcel Matrix Rates Shipping Method is used to display customized shipping rates using CSV file for eParcel service. With Biztech’s eParcel Matrix Rates Shipping Method Service integration in Australia Post Shipping Extension admin can add desired predefined rates based on weight and dimension of parcel in CSV file. With Australia Post Shipping Magento Extension, admin can add handling fees for parcel, signature cost & insurance cost separately. This service will not integrate with eParcel service available by default, but will only display uploaded rates by CSV file.

    Thus, when you integrate Australia Post Shipping extension in your own online store, you not only get enhanced functionalities but also get value added services that give customers an enhanced buying experience thereby driving customer satisfaction.

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