
Increase Your Magento Store Sales with the Help of Daily Deals & Featured Extensions

Maulik Shah
Jun 25,2018

    Since the outbreak of several online merchants, the competition is stiff day by day. Due to that, the e-business owners have become thoughtful about, how to attract customers to their e-store. And for once, if they get attracted, how to turn them into paying customers is even more difficult.

    If in this situation, you have an e-store based on Magento, it proves to be beneficial in many ways. As it provides a lot of customization options and numerous extensions that help you to boost your sales. Many online businesses have their e-store based on Magento but they often don’t know the proper use of the features and functionalities. And therefore, are not able to take full advantage of it. So, here’s a guide on how the daily deals functionalities and featured Magento extensions can serve well. Now, let us have a glance over it.

    What are Daily Deals and Why are they important?

    When business owners input product promotion offers on their website page on a day to day basis/limited timeframe validity, it is called daily deals. And they adopt this method to increase their store sales; as it creates an impulse among the shoppers to place their order quickly. So as not to miss the bargain.

    Coming to seasonal deals, that’s also a method business owners apply to their e-store. To increase their store sales. But, these are different from daily deals only in terms of some functionalities. For example- an advertisement on a website that speaks- “ Buy portable cooler at X dollars and beat the heat, this summer”. Offer valid for summer fest only. These deals remain valid for the full season. So, the difference is just in terms of time frame for which it remains open. But, most business owners prefer to use daily deals as they play with customer’s psyche. So, you can increase your sales by offering daily deals.

    As discussed earlier having a Magento based e-store is beneficial in many ways. As it has a lot of Magento extensions that are most in demand by Magento store owners. These help them to fulfill their customer’s expectations and hence increase sales. So, let us have a look at some of them and see in what ways it can benefit your Magento store.

    There are many e-business owners who have shifted to Magento 2 store that provides a new dashboard and enhanced features. So, in case you have a Magento 2 store, there are some Magento 2 extensions too that help to increase your sales.

    Product Design Extension

    Product customization is a trend now. So, if you aspire to boost your store sales, you need to make products that sound unique. Then a product design Magento extension is your way to go. This allows your customers to actively participate in designing the product of their choice. say for example – you are a t-shirt vendor and you have this extension. You can allow your customer to design their own tee and enhance their engagement. This helps in furthering your business revenue. Now, allow your customers to customize innumerable items at your e-store.

    Swift Easy Checkout

    Every e-store owners wants to increase their store sales. And for that the first thing you need to do is to reduce cart abandonments. For that, you need a checkout process which is simple and hassle-free. And there’s a Magento extension that serves this purpose as well- it is known as One-Step Checkout. This extension is compatible for all versions of Magento. It makes the checkout process simpler and faster. Moreover, you can customize it as per your needs.

    Inventory Management

    How would you deal with a situation when the product that your customers just ordered is out of stock? You will have to face an embarrassing situation and apologize your customer for a late product delivery. You could have prevented this situation from occurring if you had one of the Magento extensions – Out of Stock Notification. This extension helps you to keep an automated check of your store stock. It notifies you when some products are out of stock. Once you restock, it sends emails to those customers who showed interest in your store products or subscribed to product mails. You can still prevent yourself from facing such embarrassing situation.

    Language Switcher

    To increase sales to global customers, you need to flourish your business outside regional boundaries. But, language differences are the major barrier here. So, here’s one of the best Magento 2 extensions that helps to overcome this barrier- it’s Magento language translator! This extension enables to convert page title, content heading, meta data, etc. Your customers can also translate the product reviews in the language of their choice and make a buying decision. And the best part is you can customize everything according to your needs and you as an admin can get control over what to translate and what not.

    Delivery Date & Time Scheduler

    Delivery Date Scheduler is one of the Magento 2 Extensions that help in making an on-time product delivery. Customers are often ready to pay more if they get their order delivery on the day they expected. This extension allows your customers to select specific day and date when they want to receive their order. And from the backend enables you to make available those day and dates when you are available. So, it is advantageous for both. Customers can get rid of delivery date speculations and store owners can work out more accurately with fewer desertions of packages. By adopting this extension, get reasons for your customers to come back to your store and shop.


    Now, integrate these Magento extensions to your Magento and Magento 2 store according to your needs. And boost your sales. To know further about our product extension deals, contact us at We have daily Combo deals to offer. So, hurry up!

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