
Magento Language Translation Extension: The Best Way to Translate Store Content

Maulik Shah
Mar 19,2017

    Sometimes, we tend to underestimate the power of vernacular language. We think that as far as the gist of what is being conveyed is understood, it doesn’t matter what language things are communicated in. However, this isn’t true. When things are communicated in our native language, there is a feeling of belongingness attached to it. And this is why the Magento ecommerce store owners of today prefer having multi-lingual stores. It helps the business owners to tap into the psyche of the customers and know more about their requirements.

    Even though the content of most of the ecommerce stores is in English, not everyone finds it useful. If your brand is liked and appreciated by the speakers of other languages, they must have a way to understand your products. To overcome this problem, you have to come up with an efficient translation option to make your Magento store content comprehensible to users of other languages. You can achieve this by manually translating all your store content and feeding it in the system, using a browser translation option like Google Translate or automate this process with a certain degree of control using a suitable Magento Language Translation Extension that can save you valuable time and effort.

    In this blog we have explained further why using a good translation extension can be better than other ways of doing it.

    Controls in the hand of Admin

    The manual translators available in the market have a mind of their own. Things can go out of your control as they start translating anything and everything that is fed in. Magento Translator extensions are smart as the admin can have a total control over what gets translated and what doesn’t. The user can also manage the language that the content needs to be translated to and from. One just needs to choose the categories, products and CMS pages that need to be translated and the extension will take care of the rest.

    Limitless translations

    The extensions do not limit you with the number of words when it comes to translation. You can translate ‘n’ number of words whenever you want. This is not the case with manual translators. They have a limit to the number of words that are being translated every minute or slot. Even if you hire an individual for a job like this, they might take their own time to translate things rightly for you. Hence, an automated extension is always a better choice.

    Store review translations

    Reviews stand of utmost importance when it comes to buying products of one choice. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if store reviews get translated in the language known to your customers? The answer, of course, is “Yes”. You can’t hire a professional or use manual translation tool every time there is a new review. The Magento Language Translation Extension can translate store reviews into any language. Also, the admin can select a specific store view and change the review language whenever he/she finds the need to do so.

    Seamless translation of Product Details

    WYSIWYG editor, which is a part of the extension, can help the users to translate the product name and its description easily. Admin can also translate tiny details like Meta keywords and descriptions. Manual translators might not equip you to do that.

    If you want your products to be valued and sold across diverse geographies, it’s time that you invest into one of these extensions for your store. A multilingual store will give your business a competitive advantage amongst others. So what are you waiting for? Invest into one of these extensions now!

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