
Odoo On-Page SEO Simplified with SEO Suite

Maulik Shah
Jan 31,2017

    Odoo stores now more features and functionalities to offer than ever before. As a result number of websites built with Odoo is growing rapidly. With the popularity of Odoo based ecommerce stores and their increasing count, arises the need for more applications which can make store related tasks easier and swifter for store owners. One of the tasks that often leads to store owners having a hard time is the management of SEO for their sites. If you also own an Odoo ecommerce store, you already know what we are talking about. And as a solution we have Odoo SEO Suite which lets you manage your SEO details dynamically for every product and category page. Let’s see how it can make your on-page SEO easy:

    Default Template Separator

    Odoo is a powerful package of functionalities which is beneficial for your store in numerous ways. But it’s not possible to stuff every single thing by default into the system. One such function is the default template separator. You won’t find it in your Odoo system by default but the SEO suite application comes to be handy here. It lets you define default template and vale separator from the backend.

    Multiple Value Separator

    Multiple value separators is a feature that helps separating the SEO text as needed. Using this feature, you can define your multiple value separators as per your choice. The app also enables you to replace and update the existing default separators with new ones of your preference.

    Define Meta Information

    It also assists you in managing meta information of all categories and product pages. All the relevant meta information for product and category pages including the title, keywords, and descriptions with all the additional texts that you added, will be displayed. This text is defined by you when you create the template. Also, you can add maximum number of words for meta tags of product titles, keywords, and product descriptions. It helps in driving more traffic towards your website and generate more revenue from it.

    Define SEO templates

    The app makes it really convenient to define the SEO details of specific products in your store. You can define the title, keywords, and the descriptions of the products as well as categories and update is as per your convenience and requirement.

    Add Category Image and descriptions

    The admin has full control over his store and can add image to product categories with the help of Odoo SEO Suite. The admin is fully capable of adding category descriptions with HTML editor. So you can add several attractive features like Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike, Font Color, Hyper Link, Bullets & Numbering, Tables and pictures to the category description.

    Add Sitemap

    Your sitemap plays a vital role in your website’s SEO. With the help of the app, you can allow your users to navigate through the site with Site Map. The Site Map will contain all the categories and subcategories as you would have defined in the product list.

    By making all these functions effortless for you, Odoo SEO suite helps you improve your online visibility which is crucial for an ecommerce business to stand up as a brand in the market. It is easy to setup an online business but the challenge lies in attracting customers to your site. SEO helps you with that and increases traffic on your site which leads to more converts and profits. And you can do all this without going through much hassle with the help of Odoo SEO Suite. In a gist, it offers you a better search engine ranking and global outreach to help your business flourish at a swift pace.

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