
How Delivery Date Scheduler Helps eCommerce Stores?

Maulik Shah
Mar 18,2016

    Process of delivering products through e-commerce has evolved since the start of ecommerce, as conclusions from a new Retail Survey show, clients want more & more flexibility in ordered product delivery options, and retailers have to present this to boost conversions.

    Insufficient Delivery Options = Dumped Purchases!

    Let's face it, all the customers don’t have the time to hang around for delivery of their purchase, so need of the hour is to use Delivery Date Scheduler. Regular delivery will go well with few clients but most of them would not prefer to wait longer and will be willing to pay for preferred delivery schedule.

    If your rival has next day delivery for the same item and you don't, your client may opt for that product.

    A Brief On Our Delivery Date Scheduler Plugin

    To match the ever evolving need of E-Commerce customers regarding delivery options, Biztech Store has come up with Magento Delivery Date Scheduler. Our plug-in will enhance your customer's’ shopping experience with various usages such as, customers can select day and time of delivery from range of given options. They can also create delivery messages. Get shipping details on checkout page. As well as there is a delivery option available to select, which is - “Timeslot view (with Price)” or “Calendar view”!

    How An Admin Can Use This Plugin?

    • Delivery dates can be disabled for specific days.
    • Specification of step which contains details of shipping arrival date and time.
    • Dashboard displays today’s orders.
    • Notification for the admin of upcoming order deliveries.
    • Export of date-wise orders in form of a graph or any other format for future reference.
    • Admin can select number of delivery days available for Delivery.
    • Admin has right to define different time slots available for product delivery.
    • Delivery Date Calendar to help admin see orders date wise from the calendar.

    To conclude, there is nothing superior than meeting demands of your store customers and exceed your competitors. With Delivery Date Scheduler, impart flexible delivery options to your customers. Nothing can make as interesting as this Plugin.

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