
Unravelling WordPress 5.0 Update: How Will It Change the Working of Plugins?

Prachi Shah
Nov 20,2018

WordPress is fascinating! Not just for experts but also for rookies. And the best part? It seems to get easier to work around with each update. WordPress users love the features, functionalities, and enhancement that every update brings. For the past few days, a lot of rumors are doing the rounds about WordPress 5.0 release date and the ‘Giant’ – Gutenberg Editor.

As you all know, WordPress experts have rechristened and revamped the old WordPress Editor to Gutenberg. Some are of the opinion that the inclusion of Gutenberg will completely change the way in which people create content on WordPress. Initially, you might find it difficult to cope with the WordPress 5.0 update and the changes it brings. But this was sure to happen sooner or later as WordPress has to keep up with other technologies.

At first, WordPress had announced WordPress 5.0 Release Date on 19th November. But it had to undergo some changes because of which they pushed the date back to 27th November. So, what all happened in between? Let’s find out:

The Release Date Delay

As discussed above, WordPress 5.0 Release Date was 19th November at first and the authorities pushed it back later. The reason behind this was that the Gutenberg editor of WordPress 5.0 Beta 3 version had issues. Some experts are of the opinion that resolving all of them would ask for a different release date altogether. This might come as bad news for you as you might be eagerly waiting for WordPress 5.0 update. Well, there are more reasons behind the delay. Take a look at the two major ones given below:

  • Concerns pertaining to accessibility
  • Stability of the project

Matt Mullenweg, the social media entrepreneur and brainchild behind WordPress said that “I am lukewarm on the 19th, but not because of the number of open issues (which isn’t a good measure or target) — more that we’ve been a day or two behind a few times now.”

There’s one more reason why the release of WordPress 5.0 is not favorable on 19th. It is Black Friday and release of WordPress upgrade before a busy week might not be a good decision.

Postponing the Release

As soon as the above issues came up, the core team of WordPress postponed WordPress 5.0 Release Date to 27th November. According to Matias Venture “After going through all the feedbacks and considering the current issues, we will take an extra week to ensure that everything is fully dialed in. We target the release date as 27th November now.”

WordPress 5.0 Beta 3 Release

WordPress 5.0 Beta 3 release came with an updated version of 2019 theme and the latest version of Gutenberg 4.2. whose previous themes had had an update.

Creating WordPress Websites using Gutenberg

Although WordPress authorities have pushed off the release of WordPress 5.0, you shouldn’t underestimate the potential of Gutenberg. Bill Erickson, a popular WordPress developer came up with a blogpost that described how he built websites integrated with Gutenberg.

So, what if you are not ready for Gutenberg?

If learning Gutenberg and understanding it is difficult for you, WordPress core team will support the Editor plugin until 31st December 2021.

JavaScript Language Packs & WordPress

JavaScript language packs and WordPress have merged. Which means, you can translate the strings of JavaScript files and distribute them at This functionality also works with WordPress Plugins and themes. If you talk about JavaScript development in WordPress, it is definitely a major breakthrough.

How Will Gutenberg Impact Plugins and Themes?

Gutenberg is sure to influence editing experience. However, it will not do just that. It will also influence the working of WordPress extensions and plugins. In some years, you might witness the demand of Gutenberg friendly themes using which you can make the most out of all the features that come with the editor.

Several WordPress extensions interact directly with the WordPress editor with the help of short codes and functionalities. And hence, you are also sure to see your favorite plugins undergo some changes. These plugins, needless to say, must be Gutenberg compatible if they want to be selling well. Also, you shouldn’t be surprised if in some years, you find plugins that work only with Gutenberg.

AppJetty: For Gutenberg Friendly WordPress Extensions

Integrating WordPress extensions is one thing. But making sure that they are compatible and work smoothly is whole another. The developers at AppJetty are all geared up for the WordPress 5.0 update and can’t wait to bring innovations to the features and functionalities of plugins. Check out our store and know more about the ways in which they can help you take your business forward!

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