SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2

SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2

SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2 is a next-gen feature rich Magento 2 SMS notification solution to send real-time notifications to customers and admins.


  • Support for various SMS Service Providers
  • Send SMS notification to customers and admins
  • Send notification for different store events
  • OTP configuration to validate on registration
  • Login via email or mobile number
  • Create Custom SMS Templates with creative emoji and dynamic variable


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Key Features

SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2

Get the ease of managing all your text messages and notifications right from within your Magento store with our Magento 2 SMS Notification Pro. Inform your customers about events like registration, checkout, payment, etc. with real-time notifications with our Magento SMS Extension. The admin can also keep track of the events like new registrations, new shipment generations, submission of contact forms by choosing to receive messages for these events.

Leverage the support for multiple gateways to give yourself a variety of SMS service provider operations to pick from. You can also customize templates using dynamic variables to engage customers and offer personalized experience through our Magento SMS Notification Extension. You can also choose to send notifications via SMS, email, or both as per your preference. Maintain the log of all the messages you send and receive for your future reference with our Magento 2 SMS notification solution.

Why Should You Use SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2?

Support for Multiple Gateways/Channels

With support for multiple leading service providers like Twilio, Slack, Message Bird, and more, you can pick a suitable service with our Magento SMS extension. You can also get the support for integration of any OTT channel that fits your business needs.


Don’t miss out on details of previously sent and received messages at any time. Keep real-time track of all the sent and received notifications with a log of messages in our Magento 2 SMS notification extension supports.

Support for Custom SMS Templates

Get more customers to like your store by providing the personalized experience they need. Create customized SMS templates with dynamic variables and emojis to send for different events with our Magento SMS extension.

Send and Receive Real-Time Notifications

Get and send a notification for virtually anything and everything on the go. As the admin, you can send messages to customers upon registration, checkout, payment, submission of the contact form, shipment generation, order fulfillment, etc. Enable notifications to receive as the admin for events like order placement, new registration, shipment generation, contact form submission, etc. with Magento 2 SMS notification extension.

OTP Configuration

Configure OTP settings to send an OTP to customers when they register for the first time, place an order, change their registered mobile number with our Magento SMS notification solution.



General FAQs

  • Do you provide installation service?

    Yes, we do provide the installation service. You can tick the installation service checkbox while purchasing the product or you can navigate to your Account and purchase the Installation Service from there.

  • Do you have refund policy?

    Yes, you can refer our refund policy @
    We stand behind the quality of our extensions with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

  • With what magento versions is the extension compatible with?

    SMS Notification Pro is compatible with 2.2.*,2.3.*,2.4.*

Technical FAQs

  • Can this extension be integrated with other gateways as well?

    Yes, Our module seamlessly integrates with any gateway which has Rest API.

  • Can we disable some service and use specific channel?

    Yes, you can enable specific channels Gateway which ever you want to integrate or use and other channel can be easily disabled or removed as per your need.

  • Does it support dynamic value of any custom event?

    Yes our module does support the dynamic variable for all specific event like for order, you can add order variable or for shipment you can add shipment tracking variable.

  • Can we customize mobile input field?

    Yes you can customize mobile input field.

  • How can we set default country in mobile input?

    You can specify default country or you can also use the geoip based prefilled country so it can automatically select country by customer's ip address.

  • Can we set limited mobile input for specific country?

    Yes you can also use limited country for mobile input.

  • Can we view the customer messages that are sent?

    Yes we have logs which will provide you every details like which message has been sent and view other details also.

  • How much are the SMS charges?

    It is based on the gateway which you are using if you use twilo refer Similarly, you can use the gateway provider pricing page which you want to use.

  • Can I send notifications on custom flow?

    Yes you can use our module to send notifications on your custom event also by using our module. Also if you want us to customize then also you can ask us.
    Note: Certain modifications or customizations might have extra charges.

Points To Note

Points to Note

  • Extension integrates with twilio , slack , messagebird gateway.
  • You can also request another gateway that you have been using.
  • Sms charges may apply based on the gateway prices.
  • This extension can be used for notifications to customers as well as admin on different events or use.
  • Can be also used to verify customer mobile numbers(OTP) instantly.
  • Support for various SMS Service Providers
  • Send SMS notification to customers and admins
  • Send notification for different store events
  • OTP configuration to validate on registration
  • Login via email or mobile number
  • Create Custom SMS Templates with creative emoji and dynamic variable
Change Log

Change Log

Version 1.0.0 : June 02, 2021
  • SMS Notification Pro for Magento 2 is Released.
Customer Reviews

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