MageMob Inventory For Magento 1

MageMob Inventory For Magento 1

MageMob Inventory is the combination of Magento Inventory Management Extension and Android & iOS based Mobile App that helps you manage your store inventory from your mobile phone and tablet. It simplifies inventory management system and ensures there are no stock outs or unwanted order cancellations.
  • Multi Store Support
  • Manage Product Inventory
  • Manage Product Suppliers
  • Manage Purchase Orders
  • Manage Sales Orders
  • Manage Detailed Log of Inventory Transactions
  • View Sales Reports through Interactive Charts
  • Instant Push Notifications for Different Actions
Key Features

Magemob Inventory Management

MageMob Inventory is an App that helps you to manage different aspects of your Magento Inventory along with the store backend from your mobile and desktop. You can manage suppliers, warehouses, product stocks, purchase orders, sales orders, get customer details with sales reports, manage customer reviews, notifications of important events and more. If you want a 100% native Magento Inventory Management App that enables you to manage the backend of your e-store 24/7, you have come to the right place!

Why Should You Use MageMob Inventory?

Manage Inventory

The features like management stocks, suppliers, warehouses, etc. are not available in Magento by default. Our Magento Inventory Management extension helps you manage these activities with ease.

Efficient Supply Chain

Magento Mobile Inventory Management makes ecommerce supply chain more efficient by providing real time stock updates. It helps you to manage and keep track of stocks, warehouses, suppliers, orders etc.

Customer Management

MageMob Inventory helps you manage store customers through their details, associated order details and helps you to send required emails. You can handle these activities from the mobile app.

Product Management

Using Magento Inventory Management App, you can view complete list of store products along with their visibility. You can also quickly add new products directly from the Inventory App.

Review Management

View a complete list of reviews from the Review List and get the details of each stock/product review on a single click. Along with this, you can also approve, reject or delete customer reviews on your website.

Easy Configuration

Magento inventory management software is simple to configure and use. Just install Magento inventory management extension, download inventory management mobile app, connect the two and you're done!

How Does MageMob Inventory Work?

Click the button below and take a look at the flowchart displaying how MageMob Inventory works.

Features Highlights


    Product Stock & Warehouse Management


    Supplier Management


    Purchase Order


    Sales Order Details


    Inventory Log & Reports


    Manage Product Stocks


    Update Stocks


    Manage Products in Warehouses


    Manage Store Warehouses


    Low Stock Management

Admin can view current stock of all the products along with product images and also enable/disable the product as per the requirement with the help of MageMob Inventory.

Admin Settings

Admin can update products’ quantity with CSV file; however, the low quantity shouldn’t be more than total available quantity in warehouse. You can also update stock inventory using Barcode scanner which will also assist in creating invoices and edit products.

Admin can increase or decrease product quantity directly for the selected warehouses with the help of Magento stock management system. So, quantity of products can be easily managed. Along with this admin can also mass update or alter products’ quantity by selecting alteration status either Increment or Decrement. Admin can also filter related product list by product name or their Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).

If your store has more than one warehouse, our Magento Inventory Management extension will make the management extremely easy! It will provide you with the list of warehouses associated with your store. Thereafter, you would be able to filter, search and edit warehouse details.
Apart from these facilities, admin can create/add new warehouse to the store with basic data and include details about associated products. One can also update details of a particular warehouse by a single click.

Admin will be able to set minimum quantity for warehouse and will also be able to choose Default warehouse for products. The default warehouse will be considered as a primary warehouse for product delivery.


    Add New Supplier


    Manage Supplier Details


    Dedicated Supplier Area

Admin can add a new supplier for the store by adding details like Name, Address, Shipping & Payment Methods as well as related Products with Magento mobile inventory management.

Through Magento Inventory Management extension, Admin can manage and view all the suppliers associated with the store. They can delete the supplier and also search the supplier from a supplier list.

Supplier will have their own access area, where supplier will be able to Register/Login and have access to various functionalities like Managing Purchase Orders, Products and Account Details.


    Generate Purchase Orders


    Purchase Orders List


    Stock Received Statements


    Manage SR Statements


    Manage PO Invoices

Through Magento Inventory Management extension, Admin can generate Purchase Orders with Supplier, Unit Cost and Required Quantity details. They can also choose the warehouse while creating purchase order.

Admin can view all the purchase orders in the store. These orders can be sorted based on attributes liked order#, order date range, supplier, sales order#, total amount range, PO status and invoice no. Admin can also generate Stock Received (SR) statement for Purchase Orders.

Admin can directly create Stock Received (SR) statement for purchase orders with details like quantity received, shipping charges and extra comments if needed. Admin can also mark the SR as partial if they expect more quantity to be received.

Admin can view all the Stock Received (SR) statements, which have been generated for the store till date. They can also search for all the SR statements based on SKU, warehouse, unit cost, subtotal, etc with Magento stock control system.

Our Magento Inventory Management extension provides Admin with the list of all the generated purchase invoices along with their status and enables them to add quantity directly to the warehouse from the stock received invoice with Magento stock control management.


    Sales Orders List


    Generate Shipments

View a complete list of all the sales orders through Sales Order List along with their relevant details.

Generate order shipments with appropriate details and number of stock to be shipped. In sales order, we can add/define the warehouse.


    Change Log


    Configurable Dashboard


    Interactive Sales Reports

Get a bird’s eye view of all the activities you conducted on your store. Our Magento Inventory Management System provides you with a log that enlists all your activities including number of sales orders, products/suppliers/warehouses added, stock updates and more.

Our Magento Inventory Management App and Extension enables you to view dashboard from as per your business needs and enables admin to manage multiple stores from the dashboard. It also gives relevant details about orders, products & customers and keeps the online store updated.

Generate sales charts and keep up to date with the sales of your online store. Charts can be generated based on various filters like country name and best selling items as well as criteria like, sales made in last 24 hours, 7 days and so on!

Additional Features


Multi Store Support

MageMob Inventory supports multiple store formats. So, you can operate the backend of all your stores and get results/reports based on the store you have selected. Find details about products, currency supported, inventory and more.


Activity Notifications

Get notified through Magento Inventory Management extension/app when a new customer signs up for the store, stocks, purchase orders, and suppliers are added also receive notification when the stock level reaches the minimum quantity and when the customer provides reviews for any product.


Live Synchronization

MageMob Inventory live synchronization ensures that you do not have to worry about Magento store and mobile app separately. Any changes made in your Magento store will reflect in your mobile app in real time.



General FAQs

  • Will the Magento Inventory Management mobile app work on Android and iOS?

    Yes, the app is available for both Android and iOS operating systems. You can download it from the respective stores.

  • Do I need to install anything on Magento?

    Yes, you need to install the “MageMob Inventory” extension on Magento.

  • Will I be able to upgrade Magento Inventory Management extension from a lower plan to a higher plan?

    Yes, you can upgrade it by paying the balance amount.

  • Do you provide installation service?

    Yes, we do provide the installation service for Magento Inventory Management extension. You can check on the the installation service checkbox while purchasing the product. If you have already purchased the product, you have to navigate to your Account and purchase the Installation Service.

  • Can I edit the extension?

    All our extensions are 100% open source. You can customize the extension except the file containing our license code.

  • What if I get an error message after the installation of Magento Inventory Management extension Or 404 Error Page not found, after installing extension?

    No need to worry. Just log out of your Magento admin panel and login in again.

  • Can you customize the extension and app as our store needs?

    Yes, we do customize Magento Inventory Management extension and app as per your needs. You can contact our Support Team from here.

  • Do you have a refund policy?

    Yes, you can refer our refund policy @ We stand behind the quality of our extensions with a 30-day money back guarantee.

  • How many domains can I use with single licence purchase?

    AppJetty provides 1 primary domain and 1 sandbox domain with a single licence. The sandbox domain will be deactivated at the end of the 30 days trial. In order to get this validity extended, kindly contact AppJetty support.

  • Does it work with third party scanner apps?

    No, to scan product’s barcode and search, you can get ultimate version of the product.

Technical FAQs

  • What if I cannot login to the the Magento Inventory Management app?

    Please ensure that you are using the correct username, password and URL. You can get the correct URL to enter by following the below mentioned steps:
    i. Login to your admin panel.
    ii. Go to System → Configuration → MageMob Inventory.
    iii. Look for “Store Base Url QRcode” and scan it with your device.
    iv. This will show you the URL to be entered while signing in the app.
    Note: If you have set “Add Store Code to Urls” to “Yes”, then kindly append the store code to the URL to login with the app. You can check the setting at following path:

    System → Configuration → Web → URL Options → Add Store Code to Urls

  • The Magento Inventory Management App is not working fine on Android 6.0. What may be the reason?

    Please ensure that you have granted required permissions for the app. For enabling permissions, please go to Settings → Apps → MageMob Inventory → Permissions and enable all required permissions to make the app work properly.

  • What sort of notifications will I receive in the Magento Inventory Management app?

    You will receive the following notifications based on your back end configuration:
    i. Order notification
    ii. Product notification
    iii. Customer notification
    iv. Review notification
    v. Low Stock Notification

  • Can the notification message be customized?

    Yes, you can provide the notification message for new order placed, new customer registered and new review added for product.

  • I got this error "Exception #2 (ReflectionException): Class Biztech\ModuleName\Helper\Data does not exist". What might be the reason?

    This is possible when "Data.php" file of our extension is not uploaded properly.
    Please try uploading the file again from below path:
    You can also ask your server admin to whitelist this file to prevent any further issues.

  • Is it mandatory to create a default warehouse for products?

    No, once you install the Magento Inventory Management extension, a default warehouse will be created and you need to assign every products to that warehouse, or warehouse will automatically assign only when you will save the products.

  • Is there a way out to see who updated the product quantity?

    Yes, we have a module called “Inventory log” which will provide you with the following information:
    i. Product SKU (which product’s quantity has been altered)
    ii. System action (quantity has been altered using which action)
    iii. Action type(quantity has been increased or decreased)
    iv. Product’s quantity before and after the action
    v. Processed date
    vi. Interface(mobile or desktop)
    vii. User

  • What is the difference between Pending products and Pending Orders?

    Pending products will list the products which are “Out of Stock” and the need to order them from supplier to get them back in stock.
    Pending orders will the list the orders which are backordered and you need to purchase from supplier to fulfill the sales orders.

  • Can single purchase order have multiple stocks received?

    Yes, as we allow partial delivery, single PO can have multiple SR.

  • Is it possible to create purchase order for different suppliers at once?

    Yes, you can select multiple suppliers in the PO generation at a time. But PO for multiple suppliers will be generated different.

Points To Note

Points to Note

  • MageMob Inventory mobile app is available for both Android and iOS.
  • One of the most feature rich inventory management solution for Magento.
  • MageMob Inventory is also available for Magento 2. Click here to know more.
  • Community Editions: v1.7.* To v1.9.*.*

How to install


Download App

Download the app from App store/ Play store and install it on your iOS/ Android device.


Purchase the Ultimate version of the Extension

Purchase and install the Ultimate version of our extension.


Admin Configuration

Login into your Magento admin panel and activate the extension from System→Configuration.


Configure Device

Open the app in your mobile device. Configure your website URL in the app setting. Login using the Magento user credentials and start using the app!

Change Log

Change Log

Version: 1.1.4 : February 08, 2019


  • Added Multi Website / Store Support for Orders
Version: 1.1.3 : January 10, 2019


  • Enhanced Notifications Feature
Version: 1.1.2 : August 08, 2018


  • Added Security Authentication for Application and System.
  • Bug Fixing.
Version: 1.0.3 : December 04, 2017


  • Fixed product save issue for Professional Version
Version: 1.0.1 : September 06, 2017


  • Added application support for warehouse management
  • Added application support for supplier management
Version: 0.1.1 : January 13, 2017


  • Global and Warehouse level configuration for product low stock management
  • Displayed warehouse stock data on pending product grid
  • PO status and PO ID in Pending Orders Grid
  • Added Product images on PO Stock Received, PO Create, PO View page, manage stocks grid, pending products grid, Warehouse and Supplier Associated Product Lists
  • Added Warehouse selection for order items in order view
  • Magmi importer support
Version: 0.1.0 : January 4, 2016
  • MageMob Inventory is Released.
Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

  • Easy to use !

    A plugin is very well planned and setup properly ... Lots of promotion options with a different type of combinations. we loved it. Keep it up..

    Jason (Posted on February 11, 2020)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Best extension

    We recommend AppJetty highly to users, as it becomes so convenient to manage and update inventory from mobile-only.

    Eric (Posted on September 12, 2019)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Absolutely recommend!

    Getting to carry around my entire inventory in my pocket is extremely helpful!

    Scott (Posted on March 11, 2019)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Automated Inventory Management

    For a store growing every day, manual upkeep of inventory is just not possible or is just too much cumbersome. This app seems to be everything I needed to automate inventory management. It has definitely proved its worth.

    Max Richardson (Posted on February 6, 2018)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Stay Updated

    It had been really useful for me as I often travel for work. It keeps you synchronized with the inventory so that you can take timely steps before your popular products go out of stock. Recommended to store owners with extensive inventories.

    Paul Bearne (Posted on December 11, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Utility App

    What can be better as to when you can manage your business activities on the go? AppJetty’s MageMob Inventory is a great extension enabled app which helps you keep a track of your inventory on the go!

    Jason E (Posted on October 26, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Easy to configure

    I did not have any problem while installing and configuring the app. The process was pretty smooth. Also, it works perfectly.

    Charlie Morales (Posted on August 4, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Not bad at all

    Magento inventory management software has helped me with the management of lot of inventory related tasks. It’s a good product to have.

    Tyler Ross (Posted on June 15, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Time management

    I don’t need to sit up and keep a track of everything related to my inventory anymore. I do it when I am moving and save a lot of time which I can spend more productive things for my store. The notifications are extremely helpful in maintaining the stock.

    Adrian Sanders (Posted on April 6, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Effective and reliable

    I travel frequently for work and it becomes cumbersome and unreliable to keep a track of things though different store employees. The app lets me travel without worries and even when I am away my products are never out of stock. A great product!

    Miles Foster (Posted on January 19, 2017)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Perfect product!

    I am extremely satisfied with the product. It has totally eliminated the manual labor it required to keep a track of my store’s inventory. I am often out for work and the app has made it possible to keep records even when I am away from the work premises!

    Hudson Long (Posted on November 10, 2016)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • A Remarkable Solution

    Much needed Magento application is here. I am happy to use this uniquely developed app.

    Hudson Coleman (Posted on September 29, 2016)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Complete real time solution

    It is useful mostly when on touring or you are far away from your store. Perfect on-the-go app to manage inventory distantly.

    Xavier Rogers (Posted on July 1, 2016)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • Easy To Use

    Earlier I used to miss out on sales when I was on tour, but having this app, now I can easily track inventory while on trips. Very easy & smooth.

    Joseph Robinson (Posted on May 23, 2016)
    Yes, I Recommend This
  • A Complete Solution

    Used this app a few days back! It is the perfect solution to track products, orders, invoices and more. A great time saver indeed!

    Lucas Martinez (Posted on March 7, 2016)
    Yes, I Recommend This