Simplify Dynamics 365 Territory Management with Mappyfield 365
Overcome all the challenges of sales territory management in Dynamics 365. Plot all the CRM records right on the map and segregate them into different territories. Plot a region you want to make a territory and assign records to it. You can also search for different records on your map by region, shape file, or territory to simplify your Dynamics 365 territory management. Perform shape operations to merge or intersect two or more territories, copy or move them for accurate results. Create territories by importing shape files to take Dynamics 365 territory management up a notch.

Create & Manage Multiple Territories
Plot multiple regions on the map based on locations of regions or drawing with Mappyfield 365. You can then use the alignment tool to create territories to select the plotted regions and create new territories. Manage multiple existing territories by moving or copying them to other territories to streamline your Dynamics 365 sales territory management.

Import Shape File
With Dynamics 365 sales territory management feature, you can also create new territories by importing shape files into your Dynamics CRM. You can plot supported shape files including .shp, .kml, .geojson, also import .CSV files, and continue creating territories on the map. Easy import of shape files to plot desired territories helps enhance Dynamics 365 territory management and visualization.

Perform Shape Operations
Plot your records by region, drawing, territory, or shape file. You can use the drawing tool to draw territories of your choice and select them to draw different shapes. You can also carry out different shape operations like union, intersection, difference, etc. for accuracy in results and efficient Dynamics 365 territory management.

Assign Records and Managers
Select one or more CRM records to assign to different territories. Select one or more territories to view the records falling in them right from within Dynamics. Assign an individual user or a team to every record in Dynamics and make Dynamics 365 territory management seamless and productive.

Auto-Assign Territories
Admin can enable auto-assignment of the territory based on the location when you create a new record for an account/contact in the CRM.