Advance Search

Enhance Visibility of Territories with Advanced Search

Search, plot, and visualize records of one or more entities based on different search criteria including Dynamics 365 Radius Search. Search and view records of a given entity by region, territory, user, proximity, and drawing. Get a better visibility of high-performing territories and regions, and guide your on-field resources to optimize their efforts accordingly. Enable your resources to make the most of their daily working hours by covering more records in less time, with Dynamics 365 Radius Search. Have a better overview of distribution of records over areas with varied search filters.

Features To Improve Visibility Over Your Territories and Advanced Search

Search Records by Different Search Filters

View records by region (city, state, country, or postal code), drawing (polygon, circle, and square), territory, user, and proximity. Segregate and simplify your field resources’ work by letting them filter and view only what they want and bring more productivity.

Search Records by Different Search Filters

Proximity Search/Radius Search

Empower your resources with the functionality of individual record search and help them minimize wastage of their time and efforts. Let each resource find the records near their current location in respect of time and distance with the functionality of Dynamics 365 Radius Search. Make it easy for them to cover maximum records in minimum time with proximity search on Dynamics 365.

Proximity Search/Radius Search

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