Route Optimization

Dynamics 365 Heat Map Visualization - To Help Take Data-Driven Decisions

Now visualize and analyze your Dynamics 365 data in real-time with Dynamics 365 heatmap visualization. Set different colors to indicate different levels of saturation ranging from low to high over a given area. Filter the records by areas or measures to locate the density of records in a particular spread. Accordingly, you can determine how much effort you need to make for each area as per its performance potential. Optimize your and your team’s efforts to manage all your territories and boost your productivity with Dynamics 365 heatmap visualization.


Visualize CRM Data in Heatmap Form

Configure different colors to represent different levels of density and saturation of records over a given area. Enable your resources to view, analyze, and compare records in different areas based on the three different density levels including Low, Medium, and High. Zero in on high-performing areas, redistribute your resources and efforts to optimize your overall productivity. Tap into the best visualization of market geography with Dynamics 365 heatmap.

Visualize CRM Data in Heatmap Form

Filter Records

Filter your records by Region Type that allows you to view records of a postal code, city, state, or, even country. You can also filter records by different numerical measures in each area like street number, market captialization, annual revenue, etc. to get better insights. Apply filters like Created by, Account Name, Business Type, etc. to differentiate data better. Drive more efficiency with accurate data-backed decisions with Dynamics CRM heatmap.

Filter Records

Multiple Display Options

Choose from multiple display options including Boundary view, No Boundary view, Pie Chart, and Column Chart to view records. No Boundary view helps you get an eagle-eye view of the spread and density of records over various areas. The pie chart view is a circular data graphic that helps analyze heat density for categories in terms of percentage. Use the column chart view to comparatively analyze data over various areas for better decisions.

Multiple Display Options

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