Check-In & Check-Out

Enhance Your Check-In & Check-Out Tracking in Dynamics 365

Eliminate all the roadblocks you face in your Dynamics 365 transport management with easy check-in & check-out tracking in Dynamics 365. Keep track of your on-field team’s activities throughout the day from within Dynamics 365. Have a complete overview of check-ins and check-outs by each on-field resource to calculate the average time of a meeting or task. Plot all the check-ins on the map to get a full and clear view of the total ongoing tasks. Enable your team members to add notes while performing a checkout. Stay abreast of the outcome of each activity to align and strategize your further actions accordingly.

Features That Let You Easily Track Check-Ins and Check-Outs in Dynamics 365

Easy Check-Ins & Check-Outs

With easy check-in & check-out tracking in Dynamics 365, let your field members tag the geo-coordinates (location) and time of an activity while performing any check-in. Keep a check on daily scheduled activities within Dynamics 365. Calculate the time each activity (demo, appointment, etc.) takes to complete and find the activities with better performance potential to focus more on. Also get a clear picture of ongoing events as well as finished ones.

Easy Check-Ins & Check-Outs

Notes/Attachments at Check-Outs

Give your on-field resources a means to add notes and upload any relevant attachments at checkout. Avail of the centralized view of all the notes and attachments from the “Note” section to get the real-time progress of your daily activities. Get help optimizing your team’s efforts by focusing more on potential prospects and customers.

Notes/Attachments at Check-Outs

Map View of Check-Ins and Routes

Visualize your overall daily activities by plotting entities your resources check in to in a day. Get an easy and clear idea of the count of check-ins to different entities throughout the day with check-in & check-out tracking in Dynamics 365. Get to view all possible routes and the best optimized routes based on the means of transportation. Share the optimized routes with your resources and boost their productivity.

Map View of Check-Ins and Routes

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